2.2mm Wych elm sawn constructional veneer


Wych elm sawn constructional veneer 2.2mm Thick, ex VAT, delivery included, measurements in millimetres (mm).  Bespoke options also available with the bespoke request form.

SKU: N/A Category:


Wych elm: a medium density timber with a huge range of colour from light brown to warm dark brown, often with green streaks throughout. Interlocking grain figuring with pips and burls throughout. Some mature trees can produce less wild figuring but with beautiful interlocking grain patterns. Finishes extremely well with Rubio Monocoat 2 component oils. Amazing steam bending properties.

Additional information

Sawn Veneer Packs

L 590 | W250min x16 sheets, L 2440 | W200min x16 sheets, L 1220 | W150min x8 sheets, L 2440 | W250min x16 sheets, L 1220 | W200min x8 sheets, L 1220 | W250min x8 sheets, L 240mm | W160mm | sample, L 1220 | W150min x16 sheets, Sample | L300 |W200 | approx, L 1220 | W200min x16 sheets, L 420 | W150min x8 sheets, L 1220 | W250min x16 sheets, L 420 | W200min x8 sheets, L 2440 | W150min x8 sheets, L 420 | W250min x8 sheets, L 2440 | W200mm x8 sheets, L 590 | W150min x16 sheets, L 2440 | W250min x8 sheets, L 590 | W200min x16 sheets, L 2440 | W150min x16 sheets