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HIgh quality furniture made using sawn veneer

Sean Evelegh using our sawn constructional veneer

Sean Evelegh creates impressive contemporary wooden furniture pieces that highlight the natural beauty of wood.

It’s not always easy to find native timbers with interesting character in a form of raw material that’s easy to work into your product. That’s where Sawn Constructional Veneers can help…

Our native sawn veneers are carefully selected from locally sourced logs here in Scotland. This enables us to select special cuts to order so that you can give your products an enviable look as Sean is clearly achieving in his workshop in these short videos.

As we can produce to order in any thickness our veneers are used in a wide variety of products and applications from commercial interiors and flooring to cabinets, kitchens and boat building – a really wide range from surfboards to superyachts.

Sean has been using our products for a couple of years now having started during the second year of the shop opening so he’s a relatively early adopter.  As the manufacturer it’s great to see the beautiful pieces he creates with such enthusiasm, talent and skill. So it’s no surprise he’s a member of the Society of Designer Craftsmen but noteably he is also sponsored by Axminster Tools for whom he gives demonstrations and online working videos of the use of their equipment. We are fortunate to have an examples of his approach to his work in these videos – thanks Sean!

Sean’s also a member of the Art Workers Guild and recognised across the industry for his skills and talent as well as a wealth of experience in using sawn constructional veneer. We are very pleased to be able to support his work with our Scottish timber based products.

Sean’s website